Cuban Cinema Exhibition
Cuban Poster art is world famous; the design philosophy deployed bold and powerful imagery emulating political or propaganda style posters, combined with a Warholian, pop art aesthetic, which they're famous for.
Movie posters were some of the most prominently featured and known within all the Cuban Poster art collection, sponsored by the Instituto Cubano del Arte y la Industria Cinematografica (ICAIC). In our second exhibition, we curated a collection of 1st and 2nd edition silkscreens from the Cuban Film Institute in Havana, featured renowned works by artists such as Eduardo Muñoz Bachs, Raúl Martínez and Antonio Pérez Ñiko.
Cuban Cinema Poster Art curated for Christmas

Christmas was banned in Cuba from 1969 until 1998, under the regime of Fidel Castro, who didn't want any religious celebrations. As a symbolic art piece, we had our exhibition poster designed by Cuban artist Javier Borbolla, inspired by the original movie poster for Los pájaros tirándole a la escopeta.